Leaving ICS

While we are sad to see you go, we are here to help you transition to your next school.

Preparing to Leave ICS

Please notify us in writing at least two weeks before your last day, to allow us time to prepare for your departure. The notification can be done either by email to registrar@icsaddis.org or in person at the reception desk.

Applying to a new school

We are here to support your application to the next school, and provide any school records, transcripts, standardized test scores and recommendations required to apply to the new school. We can also assist with proctoring admissions assessments required for the next school. Please email your request to registrar@icsaddis.org. Please note that recommendations especially can take time to complete, so we ask for at least two weeks notification on your document requirements. Any recommendation or reference completed by ICS is sent directly to the new school.

We encourage high school students to formally request their recommendations from their teachers and/or counselor. The high school counselors can assist them with this process. Completed recommendations will be returned to the registrar to be sent electronically to the new school.

Become part of our alumni network

We consider any former student, parent or employee an ICS alumnus/alumna! We will add your email to our alumni network. Be on the look out for updates and ways to stay connected with ICS.


Withdrawal Processes